Managing emergencies and associated drills requires establishing muster points, emergency procedures, wardens, evacuation lists and real-time management of an unfolding situation that can be chaotic and hazardous.  

The Precog emergency management suite automates these processes. It allows you to establish GPS-trackable muster points, automatically produce evacuation lists, see live views of each muster point, and track instant updates of accounted for and missing persons.   

The Precog Emergency Operations Center also provides an updated count against the evacuation list and enables SMS and email notification to the unaccounted for people. When notified, personnel may respond with a code to be automatically counted in the system.

The distributed mobile architecture of our software allows management of emergencies in any situation, even when your core computing and communications facilities are affected and inoperable. 

The Precog software ensures emergency management is streamlined and allows you more time and information to ensure the safety of your people.

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