A typical one hour meeting of 10 managers costs $500 in salary alone. US Companies average 62 meetings a month at a salary cost of $31,000. At Precog we believe in streamlining the meeting management process and measuring meeting activity. Measuring where your people are spending their time and with whom, can be as critical as any other asset management process.
The Precog system streamlines management of the meeting life-cycle and captures data to analyze meeting time and attendance across the organization:
Leverages your current credential systems to streamline attendance tracking
Allows for attendance-taking through the following:
RFID card reads using the Precog App and a mobile reader
Barcode reads using the Precog App
Manual entry using the Precog App
SMS messages & email
Secures the meeting against unwanted attendees and tracks uninvited attempts
Syncs check-in/check-out and other meeting data captured on handheld readers and Apps to a central Command Center, where the data is accumulated and available for on-going analysis
Integrates with event and meeting invitation systems to minimize manual intervention throughout the meeting lifecycle - from scheduling and set-up through post-meeting follow up.
Integrates with education, HR and compliance systems, to ensure seamless attendance tracking, accreditation and reporting